
書評系列〈2〉:The Humanity of God, Chapter 2 (Richmond: John Knox Press, 1970), by Karl Barth, John N. Thomas and T. Wieser (translators)

湃  恩

本書作者卡爾·巴特(Karl Barth18861968),被視為20世紀最具影響力的更正教神學家,領頭轉變了19世紀起更正教的神學方向。巴特長於改革宗信徒家庭,受業於當時自由神學大師如哈納克(Harnack)和赫曼(Wilhelm Hermann)門下。可是,到了一戰期間,他的神學有了徹底的轉向,並為當時神學界帶來極大的衝擊,自此開展出一個新的神學方向。[1]
本書乃是巴特於1956年,在瑞士亞奴(Aarus)與一群瑞士改革宗牧師的聚會,向他們的鼓勵和勸勉的談話。[4] 巴特在這時期強調那與人對話、相遇並同在的神本文的評述範圍是本書的第二篇文章—神的人性The Humanity of God)。本文的特色是在回顧19世紀以來的神學發展史為背景下,重新以『基督論』的視角來看神的本質,及其引伸的神學意義
巴特在本文的主題是從神的神性之認識,認識「祂的人性」[5] 他在開首開宗明義說「神的人性」,意即神與人的關係,並那位轉向人、以應許與誡命向人說話,要作人的神。[6] 他接著指出要正確理解「神的神性」,在於理解道成肉身之「神的人性」。在耶穌基督裡面,「神的神性」完整地包含了「神的人性」。[7] 那「活神的神性」通過具有完全人性的耶穌給我們認識。[8]
除引言外,全文分作三個部分:第一部分巴特提出他的首要基本問題:我們認識到神的甚麼(What do we know about God)?第二部分巴特提出第二個基本問題:我們如何認識到神的神性(How do we come to know God’s deity)?最後部分,巴特的問題是:這對神的(人性)認識向我們有甚麼含意(What does this knowledge – of God’s humanity - then imply for us)?在每個段落中巴特都作出了回答。
巴特在引言中憶述近代思考福音神學的轉變歷史。他於1920年代曾與他老師哈納克展開精彩而激烈的公開辯論。[9] 那時候,巴特起來批判使用歷史批判法所建立的自由神學,他反對將信仰變作人的文化,強調神與人在本質上有絕對的差異,祂是完全的他者,而罪就是混亂神與人之差別。並且,他強調神學的出發點並非是人的宗教經驗、理性、哲學或自然等「從下而上」進路,而是,並唯獨是神的客觀啟示和信仰的「從下而上」進路。但在檢視過去後,巴特發現那時候他似乎過於側重神的超越性一面現在看來,有欠完整,需要作出補充:在神的超越裡有完全的人性,祂親自取了人性,聯繫了神人間的鴻溝,完全的向著人並為著人。這完全出乎祂的恩典。
在第一節,巴特回溯基督教神學的發展歷史,指出自士來馬赫以降至當時的百餘年來,神學走了一個錯誤的方向,成了人追尋神的神學。這種由人為中心和出發點的神學形式和趨向,是宗教的religionistic)、人為中心的anthropocentric)和人文的humanistic),使人的敬虔成了福音神學研究的主題和對象,[10] 這結果導致對神的思考和認識,變成不過以神聖的「外衣」來思考宗教[11]
巴特指出聖經的主題,其實是神的神性(God’s deity),包括祂的獨立存有與獨特屬性、祂與自然世界和屬靈世界的關係、祂的大能和主動,以及最重要的—祂與人的關係。[12] 我們不應從人的敬虔和宗教角度來思考神,而應從「神的人性」—祂與受造之人的關係,來思考神。因為神並非在真空的範圍中向人證明和啟示,而是在人的歷史裡,祂與人同在和對話中向人啟示祂自已。[13] 神運用祂自由選擇以此方式向人揭示,證明祂的神性,以及祂是一位活神[14] 故此,我們可以說,神的神性是包含著祂的人性[15] 這完全逆轉了前一世紀的神學向度。
在第二節,巴特接著說我們如何能認識神的神性。答案是我們只能從耶穌基督身上認識。祂是真神,也是真人,祂有完全的神性和完全的人性;在祂裡面,神與人彼此相遇,立約的實際也在祂裡面得以維繫和實現。祂作為主降下來與人契合;祂作為奴僕上升來與神契合。祂是神與人之間的中保復和者啟示者。神人二性在祂位格內完全地合一(hypostatic union)。[16] 全本聖經的中心乃是見證這一位人物。我們不能抽離祂來思考神或人,因為神是以作為完全的人之方式叫人與神復和、向人立約並啟示祂自已。[17] 巴特認為這是當代福音神學要思考和傳講神的新方向。[18]
巴特進一步指出,在耶穌基督裡面,神最高的自由乃是祂自由選擇去愛。巴特將神的屬性分為愛與自由兩大類,這些屬性在耶穌基督裡面最完滿地展現。這位「自由而愛」的神,祂在耶穌基督裡自由選擇去愛人類,甚至與人完全合一。故此,神的神性是無法排除,反之,乃是包含祂的人性[19]—神與人以完美的關係共存在基督裡。當基督一次而永遠取了人性後,神甚至不能沒有人而存在[20] 巴特接著解釋,雖然神永遠的愛在祂的位格內在是足夠存在的,但神憑著祂的自由選擇要愛人,要與人同在,並完全為著人。這是出於祂的恩典,白白的給予人。這就是神的人性。[21]
在第三節,巴特提出五點關於這種對神(祂的人性)的認識,對我們(教會的牧者及神學工作者)有甚麼神學和教牧含意。因著認識神的人性,首先,會使人們認識人本身的獨特性,承認每一人都是基督的兄弟姊妹,以及神的兒女。[22] 第二,會給予神學文化一個特定主題,那就是神與人的相遇(God-man-encountering)歷史。神學只能由此這觀點了解耶穌基督,並從祂的位格來了解神學。[23] 第三,會給予基督徒神學思考和講說一個特定態度和聯繫。神學不能「閉門造車」,也不能「離地」,它必須是與人群保持對話,它是一門動態的藝術,時刻維持與神(禱告)和與人(講道)的對話。[24] 第四,會使教牧和神學工作者的宣講話語的心情和聲調總是正面積極的,因為神與人立約的宣講充分顯示出祂的恩典和對人的肯定。這些話語的確是「好消息(福音)」,並且這乃是教會宣教的必要「框架」。[25] 最後,會使人們更肯定、認同教會—基督的身體、新以色列。我們每個人都是在教會這群體中蒙神在耶穌基督裡所揀選、呼召、拯救和構成的,並由聖靈所建立和聯結,被差派在世界中作祂團體的見證。故我們必須參與教會的生活和事奉,在其中尋找自已的合適位置。[26]

(一)巴特的神學架構完全以基督為中心,對神論(神的人性)的探究也不例外。他指出在基督裡乃是神與人相遇的範圍。筆者觀察近十數年香港華人教會在『屬靈消費主義』影響下,信徒與三一神的生命關係,漸失於他們生命中的首位。[27] 甚至連教會也往往注重信徒人數的增加,過於幫助信徒建立與三一神親密、愛的團契關係,以致『信主的人多,但委身的人少』的情況滿目皆是,信徒生命的中心普遍地並沒有因福音從自已轉移到以基督為中心。筆者認為巴特提出以基督為中心來認識神的人性,有助信徒恢復以基督為生命的中心,深化信徒的信仰經驗,提升信徒靈性品質與教會的見證以委身順服作為對神的愛和恩典的回應
(二)巴特從「神的人性」提醒我們,教會作為信徒群體,其蒙召乃是要服事這個世界。作為教牧與神學工作者,需要時刻保持與神和與人群的對話,他們不能逃避世界,因為沒有「私人基督教」這回事。教會必須進入世界來回應福音,正如神在基督裡也進入了世界,儘管教會回應的方式與世人有所不同。[28] 這觀點可謂與潘霍華的「作門徒的代價」互相呼應。面對近年香港政治環境急速惡化,教會不能再不過問社會與政治之事,更不能為求自保、利益或權力而沉默或贊同政權的不義行徑,失卻教會向世界的宣講。筆者祈求香港教會不重蹈二戰時德國教會,以及50年代中國教會的失敗覆轍。
(三)巴特強調神在耶穌基督裏正是充滿了人性的愛肯定了神對人的尊重,由此顯示出神對人無限和白白的恩典。每一個做神學的人在思考和傳講時都應該受這觀點的支配,這是作為神學人的責任,正如他自已於本文所說:「我們神學的責任,乃是要看到並了解神的恩慈比我們先前所認識的更大。」[29] 在香港這貧富差距日益嚴重的社會中,教會也日漸趨向「中產化」,我們對社會上的窮人,心底裡是否向富人抱有同樣的愛和尊重?教會有否體認社會低下階層人士也是基督的兄姊與神的兒女?心裡有否如雅各書所描述的情景:重看那穿華麗衣服的人,說,請你坐在這好位上;又對那窮人說,你站在那裡,或坐在我腳凳下邊。(二3)?教會有否忘記福音給我們看見之神的人性,以及自已的蒙召使命?有否以行動、踐行反映我們對「神的人性」的真實認識?
(二)巴特對人的關懷完全透過耶穌基督的角度來表達。透過聖經與聖靈的光照,對人性黑暗面的洞悉,他拋棄了自由神學與共產主義中對人性善良面過度樂觀的誤認。如張立明所言[32],這反映出巴特超越時代的遠見。教會一面不應與世界隔絕,而要參與世事;然而,另一面教會參與政治社會時亦要反思,他們是否抱著某種主義或價值觀去參與,以期待某種理想之社會出現?如巴特所言,教會的主要責任乃是向世界宣講神審判和恩典的道。教會乃是一群首先聆聽神審判和恩典之道的群體。[33] 故此,我們不該忘記不論什麼主義或理想,革命或當權者,神的話仍將無情地臨到一切自以為義的人。
(三)巴特帶著他的揀選論所論到之「神的人性」,首先,難免讓人引起他持有普救論(universalism的爭議。[34] 雖然他不承認,但也不否認。[35] 。無疑神的恩典是浩瀚深邃,人無權為祂的恩慈設限,但這觀點所帶的連銷系統神學效應(systematic consequence)可不少,幾乎遍及各教義[36],尤其對復和觀的理解,以及有輕看聖經中不信和悔改相信之呼召的危險。[37] 作為神學家,巴特無法含糊其辭,而應作更仔細解釋,神的恩慈若是沒有限制,其引伸之結論將會如何。不然,儘管神學方法不同,但巴特會難免諷刺地得出與士來馬赫相同的救恩觀結論—普救論
還有,也有人指控巴特所描述之「神的人性」近乎進程神學(Process theology的描述,即神的本體似乎沒有人的話,不能獨立存在或有所缺乏。神的本體似乎是會有所改變,祂的位格會受祂與人建立的關係所影響。[38] 的確,將神的人性描述為包含在神的位格內,有陷入進程神學,但筆者認為這指控並不成立,因為進程神學主要是指出神的存有是受祂與世界及/或人的關係而不斷「改變」中,但巴特並沒有這含意,他是認為神的存有裡,包含著「人性」,表現在祂渴望與人建立關係,甚至與人的聯合上,並沒有含示神的存有是動態的。故認為對巴特這指控並不成立。

[1] 葛倫斯(Stanley J. Grenz)、奧爾森(Roger E. Olson):二十世紀神學評論(20th Century Theology),劉良淑、任孝琦譯(臺北:校園),頁76-82
[2] 參林鴻信:〈基督宗教思想史(下)〉(臺北:國立臺大,2013),頁611-620
[3] 參郭鴻標:〈巴特的生平與神學簡介〉。
[4] Karl Barth, The Humanity of God, p.37 footnote.
[5] Ibid., p.38: “Our problem is this: to derive the knowledge of the humanity of God from the knowledge of His deity.”
[6] Ibid., p.37: “Rightly understood that (the humanity of God) is bound to mean God’s relation to and turning toward man. It signifies the God who speaks with man in promise and command.”
[7] Ibid., p.46: “It’s precisely God’s deity which, rightly understood, includes his humanity.”
[8] Ibid., p.46: “How do we come to know that?... It is a Christological statement, or rather one grounded in and to be unfolded from Christology.”
  p.47: “…who and what God is in Jesus Christ…”
[9] 參歐力仁:〈神學的本質:啟示(神本)的或科學(人本)的?-重訪巴特和哈納克公開辯論〉,《神學與教會》,第廿七卷第二期,20026月。
[10] Karl Barth, The Humanity of God, p.39: “Evangelical theology almost all along the line, certainly in all its representative forms and tendencies, had become religionistic, anthropocentric, and in this sense humanistic. …Christian piety – had become its "object of study and its theme
[11] Ibid., p.39: “For this theology, to think about God meant to think in a scarcely veiled fashion about man, more exactly about the religious, the Christian religious man.”
[12] Ibid., p.41: “[T]he theme of the Bible is the deity of God, more exactly God's deity - God's independence and particular character, to only in relation to the natural but also to the spiritual cosmos; God's absolutely unique existence, might, and initiative, above all, in His relation to man.”
[13] Ibid., p.45: “What God is and what He is in His deity He proves and reveals not in a vacuum as divine being-for-Himself, but precisely and authentically in the fact that He exists, speaks, and acts as the partner of man…”
[14] Ibid., p.45: “He who does that is the living God. And the freedom in which He does that is His deity.”
[15] Ibid., p.46: “It’s precisely God’s deity which, rightly understood, includes his humanity.”
[16] Ibid., p.46-47.
[17] Ibid., p.46: “… The central and entire witness of Holy Scripture. Certainly in Jesus Christ, as He is attested in Holy Scripture, we are not dealing with man in the abstract…. But neither we are dealing with God in the abstract….”
  "In Jesus Christ there is no isolation of man from God or of God from man.”
[18] Ibid., p.47: “Who and what God is – this is what in particular we have to learn better and with more precision in the new change of direction in the thinking and speaking of evangelical theology, which has become necessary in the light of the earlier change.”
[19] Ibid., p.49: “It is when we look at Jesus Christ that we know decisively that God’s deity does not exclude, but includes His humanity… How could God’s deity exclude His humanity, since it is God’s freedom for love …”
[20] Ibid., p.50: “In Him the fact is once for all established that God does not exist without man.”
[21] Ibid., p.51: “His free affirmation of man, His free concern for him, His free substitution for him - this is God's humanity.”
[22] Ibid., p.53: “"On the basis of the eternal will of God we have to think of every human being, even the oddest, most villainous or miserable, as one to whom Jesus Christ is Brother and God is Father; and we have to deal with him on this assumption. … On the basis of the knowledge of the humanity of God no other attitude to any kind of fellow man is possible. It is identical with the practical acknowledgment of his human rights and his human dignity. To deny it to him would be for us to renounce having Jesus Christ as Brother and God is Father." 
[23] Ibid., p.55: “Since God in His deity is human, this culture must occupy itself neither with God in Himself nor with man in himself but with the man-encountering God and the God-encountering man and with their dialogue and history, in which their communion takes place and comes to its fulfillment. For this reason theology can think and speak only as it looks at Jesus Christ and from the vantage point of what He is.
[24] Ibid., p.59: “He whose heart is really with God and therefore really with men may have faith that the Word of God, to which he seeks to bear witness, will not return unto Him void.”
[25] Ibid., p.59-60: “[T]he sense and sound of our word must be fundamentally positive. Proclamation of the covenant of God and men, announcement of the place which is once for all opened and assigned to man in this covenant, …What takes place in God’s humanity is, since it includes that ‘No’ in itself, the affirmation of man.”
  p. 60: “The is what we have to testify to men in the view of the humanism of God,… everything else must be said only in the framework of this statement and promise.”
[26] Ibid., p.62: “…In the knowledge of the humanity of God one must take seriously, affirm, and thankfully acknowledge Christendom, the Church. We must, each in his place, take part in its life and join in its service.
[27] 慎防消費主義在教會蔓延〉,時代論壇第924期,2005-05-15http://christiantimes.org.hk/Common/Reader/News/ShowNews.jsp?Nid=29020&Pid=2&Version=924&Cid=2&Charset=big5_hkscs
[28] Karl Barth, The Humanity of God, p.58-59, p.64: “For this reason there is no private Christianity.… It can be carried on only in the Church – it can be put to work in all its elements only in the context of the questioning and answering of the Christianity community and in the rigorous service of its commission to all men.”
[29] Ibid., p.62: “Our theological duty is to see and understand it(the loving-kindness of God) as being still greater than we had seen before.”
[30] 邵葉爾(M. James Sawyer):神學求生指南》(The Survivor’s Guide to Theology),楊長慧譯,郭秀娟校(臺北:校園,2009),頁501
[31] 葛倫斯、奧爾森:二十世紀神學評論》,頁89
[32] 參張立明:〈紅色牧師的覺醒:談巴特早期的社會主義立場與轉變〉,http://indychinesechurch.org/barth
[33] Karl Barth, The Humanity of God, p.58: “In the Kerygma man recognizes himself as being under God’s judgement and grace, as the receiver of His promises and His command, and thus enters with his own understanding, will, and heart into the reality of that intercourse.”
[34] 普救論最初由神學家俄利根(Origenes Adamantius, AD. 185~251)提出,其學說於543年的第二次君士坦丁堡會議被定為異端。
[35] Karl Barth, The Humanity of God, p.62: “… to which one with a certain understanding of universalism could in fact deliver himself? This much is certain, that we have no theological right to set any sort of limits to the loving-kindness of God which has appeared in Jesus Christ.”
[36] 參張毅勤:〈普救論的聖經期礎和神學理據〉,http://faith100.org/基督教普救論的聖經基礎和神學理據/314
[37] 簡河培(Harvie M. Conn):《認識現代神學》(Contemporary World Theology),趙中輝,宋華忠譯,曾祖漢編(臺北:改革宗出版社,2012),頁34-37
[38] 葛倫斯、奧爾森:二十世紀神學評論》,頁153-171